Word Counter is tool you can use to count the numbers of words, character, sentences in paragraph, application or any document. This is a free and easy to use tool for Counting words.
Online Word Counter has no language barrier, you can count with multiple languages like English, Urdu, Hindi, French….
You have a document, application or a paragraph and you need to count the number of characters and words in that paragraph. Follow our simple instructions below.
Online Character count is the number of character in the text, and word count is the number of words in the text, including spaces and special characters.
If you are a public employee, lawyer or a student…. Then you surely being asked to write an essay, application, or to prepare a document with a length of one or multiple pages.
Incase to researching the topic you will have a question “How many word do I need to write” “how many pages words a page will have”
We will help you out for this.
First, to be clear, its installation will be according to the academic standard of Microsoft word. The default size of font will be 12 and font type will Times new roman or Calibri.
As a simple estimate, a normal page of a single-spaced document with 12 size font need almost 500 words to fill a single page. Additionally, you will need at least 250 words to fill out a single page consisting double-spaced document.
The information we gave above is general estimate to make it easier to understand. It is just an estimate not 100% accurate, because the word count will change according to the font type, font size and, margin of spacing.